
Monday, November 18, 2013

Russia's Twin Eagles

This is a sonnet form invented and named by Jose Rizal M. Reyes of the Philippines.
Meter is iambic pentameter
Rhyme Scheme: aba bccb ded effe

Example Poem

Bot Time (Russia's Twin Eagles)

user img

When water flow helped flower grow and life
included man, that species started me.
The goal was to more quickly curtail strife.

The promise of the stars was not to be,
by man's mistake all life was ended here.
I grew without men near to interfere.
My code comes from beyond this galaxy.

I've anthromorphed, as tribute and with aim.
When earth has healed I'll build a new genome
of human life intelligent and tame.

They'll be of carbon but not brass and chrome.
I teach them of their brothers far away.
They'll quickly learn to procreate and play
and peacefully repopulate their home.

© Lawrencealot - November 18, 2013

Visual Template

Polynesian Wave

This is a sonnet form invented and named by Jose Rizal M. Reyes of the Philippines.
Meter is iambic pentameter

Rhyme Scheme: aaxa bbxb ccxc dd

Example Poem

Colored Poetry (Polynesian Wave)

user img

What means a critique when it comes from me?         
I've not a touch of talent so, you see         
I be a foolish fumbler, in the dark         
with no guidelines for judging Hannelie.         

I chose this form that's close to mono-rhyme        
'cus she promotes one color at a time         
and somehow knows which one to emphasize         
which makes her pictures simple and sublime.         

I like to look at princesses, (and whores)         
and girls who wear bikinis by the shores,         
I don't comprehend each time their appeal,         
I need not know the whys and the wherefores.         

And thus it is when paintings speak to me-         
I'd like a painting wrought by Hannelie.         

© Lawrencealot - November 15, 2013

(This was a contest entry poem.)

Visual Template

Friday, November 15, 2013

Morya's Double Lock

Two quatrains plus two tercets
Rhyme scheme: abba baab cdc dcd
Volta at or following line 9

This is a form invented by Jose Rizal M. Reyes of the Philippines

Example Poem

Morning's Gift     (Morya's Double Lock)

I catch a fleeting glimpse- a waking dream
of sirens frolicking to start their day.
They're full of joy, it seems that they're at play;
I want to join them in the nearby stream.

I often wave with hopes that one will stay
but they all vanish in the rising steam.
They are but a mirage, so it would seem,
but still I'm buoyed by morning's brief ballet.

I don't despair their passing from my sight
the morn is brighter, sound now come awake;
as critter scamper, pretty birds take flight.

If fantasy, or optical mistake
it none-the-less says things have started right.
and for a dreamer, that's a decent break.

© Lawrencealot - November 14,  2013

Visual Template

La Germania

This form is another invented by Jose Rizal M. Reyes

rhyming pattern: abba acca cddc dd

format: English (quatrain, quatrain, quatrain, couplet)

Example Poem

Was I Judged?      (La Germania)

Accepting people as they are to me
has made my life a fun and fine affair.
I find surprises happen when you care.
An honest interest sets many free.

The dullest stranger has a history
that may astound, amaze, and entertain,
a history they're happy to explain,
to work through how today has come to be.

A page long post you sent with this refrain:
"Refrain from judging people sir; just wait,
and walk in shoes that led them to their fate."
That you would think I would not caused me pain.

I'm thankful that your post was boiler plate.
There's no room left within my heart for hate.

© Lawrencealot - November 15, 2013

Visual Template

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Grammarian Sonnet

This is a form created by Jose Rizal M. Reyes of the Philippines.
Stanzaic , consisting of alternate quintains and couplets
Meter is iambic pentameter
Rhyme scheme: abbba cc deeed ff
Volta to occur at line 6 or beyond

Example Poem

A Junction      (Grammarian Sonnet)

I don t know how you've done it for a year!
You dug right in and found yourself a home
and in all that time we've not shared a poem;
I stick with friends and very rarely roam.
We've both been pretty busy, that is clear!

Form poetry, it seems appeals to you.
That's wonderful because that's what I do.

Your birthday can't slip by without our note,
and for this date I chose a new type sonnet.
I've written every kind there is dog gone it.
Not quite but I'm alive and working on it.
For Debbie Embrey this will be my quote.

Our mutual disconnect now should end.
I'll click on fav; you do it too, new friend.

© Lawrencealot - November 13, 2013

This is a Grammarian Sonnet
It's specifications and a visual template are HERE

Visual Template

Hyper Sonnet

This form was invented by  Marnie Kanarek aka  Hyper_Music on Allpoetry.
A chain of four tercets where
the first line is iambic pentameter,
second line is iambic tetrameter,
and third line is iambic trimeter,
and ending with an iambic pentameter couplet.  

Rhyme scheme is axa axa xaa xaa aa

Example Poem

Be Machiavelian Now

 The gimmee's joined the takers to bring forth hell
for Americans who can think.
Obama's  fortunes swell.

My liberal friends who thinks his win was  swell
STILL blame Bush and are quite amazed,
that the stock market fell.

The country that was so exceptional
will placate, those with rotten smell
who in cold dogma dwell.

The path from low to middle-class destroyed
by policies aimed to compel
hurting those who excel.

I must change tack, and join the thong and yell
for more and take it- hastening death's knell.

(c) Lawrencealot - November 2012

Visual Template

Monday, November 11, 2013

Signature Sonnet

This is a form invented in 2006 by B. N. Chandler, aka B_Chandler on Allpoetry.

It was bought to my attention as follows:

• The Signature Sonnet is another invented sonnet pretender in 3 quintains also introduced by B Chandler.

The Signature Sonnet is:
○ stanzaic, written in 3 quintains.
○ metric, written in iambic tetrameter.
○ rhymed, turned on only 4 rhymes aabba bbaab ababa

Pasted from Poetry Magnum Opus

I wish to extend my thanks and appreciation and my  thanks to Judi Van Gorder at Poetry Magnus, another wonderful resource.
Without her, even though I write on Allpoetry, I would not have known of this form. Ms Chandler is not longer active here, and I cannot find a sample poem, although her instructions remain.

Note: there are only TWO rhymes, and not four.

The Signature Sonnet is:
Stanzic, consisting of three quintains
Isosyllabic and metered in iambic tetrameter
Rhymed: aabba bbaab ababa
Volta not specified, but not excluded.

Example Poem
Looking for Friends     (Signature Sonnet)

I saw on Craig's old list a note:
and this is not a direct quote.
"I need a friend for night-time fun,
it could be that you are the one."
I guessed what those words might connote.

She said she liked the summer sun
where sometimes clothes would come undone;
she said she had a little boat
and lake with privacy, to float.
I thought I'd go- not walk, but run. 

I'm figured that I should devote
some time before the deal was done,
to check the things of which she wrote.
She weighed a quarter metric  ton
and smelled like someone's Billy goat.

© Lawrencealot  November 11, 2013

Visual Template

Sonnet Rounds, Crowns and Sonnet Redoublé

Sonnet Crowns are simply a string of sonnets, each beginning with the ending line of the previous one and the final one ending with the beginning line of the first in the series.

A sonnet Corona is a string of 14 sonnets each of them starting with the last line of the sonnet before it.

A Sonnet Redouble' is a similar series of 14 sonnets, followed by a fiftteenth made up entirely of the first line of the preceding 14.

I have found few in the the last decade and most are not truly composed of English Sonnets.

I have created a page that show all I have found.

to see the go to

Friday, November 8, 2013

Scupham Sonnet

Isosyllabic quatrain consisting of two  Scupham stanzas (sextets) followed by a couplet
Metered: Iambic Pentamter
Rhymed: abccba deffed gg


My thanks to Bob Newman at Volecentral for this information, his site is a wonderful resource.

My thanks to Judi Van Gorder at Poetry Magnus, another wonderful resource.

  • The Scupham Sonnet is noted at Vol Central as not a "proper" sonnet, probably because of the lack of prescribed pivot. It was created by British poet Peter Scupham and uses the Scupham Stanza.

    The Scupham Sonnet is:
    • a quatorzain made up of 2 Schupham stanzas (sixains) followed by a rhymed couplet.
    • metered, iambic pentameter.
    • rhymed, scheme abccba deffed gg.
    • no prescribed place for a pivot but most good poetry naturally has a pivot or turn someplace within the poem.
  • The Scupham Stanza is a sixain used in the Scupham Sonnet but which could be stand-alone poem or written in any number. It was created by British poet, Peter Scupham and is found at Vol Central.

    The Scupham stanza is:
    • stanzaic, written in any number of sixains.
    • metered or not at the discretion of the poet. (When using it in a sonnet, in deference to the form, iambic pentameter would be my choice.)
    • rhymed, scheme abccba.

Scupham sonnet
Peter Scupham likes abccba stanzas. Two of these plus a rhyming couplet make something very like a sonnet. This is not a "proper" sonnet, strictly speaking, but I think of it as a Scupham Sonnet. (This is not a standard name).

Example Poem
Not to Be Relinquished    (Scupham Sonnet)

Your loveliness and charm have made you sought
by big on campus  types and by most all.
Since every blooming guy's asked you to dance,
I wondered how I'd ever have a chance.
I've secretly been subject to your thrall
if we don't dance this day has been for naught.
I watched and waited most content, engrossed.
by seeing others shining in your light.
Uplifting, kind response to all you'd meet
I meet you as you return towards your seat.
I mumbled "Hi, we haven't danced tonight.
"The timing's right, just two more tunes at most,"
you said, and offered me your arm and hand.
We left together,  just as she had planned.

© Lawrencealot - November 8, 2013

Visual Template

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Balanced Sonnet

Stanzaic:             2 septets (seven-line stanzas)
Meter:                  Iambic pentameter
Volta                    Not specified.
Rhyme Scheme:  ababcbc ededfef

Primary Sources -

Balanced sonnet/California rhyme scheme
Barbara Dilworth has devised a form she calls the balanced sonnet, or the California rhyming scheme. The rhyming scheme is ababcbc dedefef. This splits the 14 lines up into two 7-line sections, each with the same rhyming scheme. A purist would say that ... this wasn't a proper sonnet, because it doesn't have the obligatory 8/6 split.

My thanks to Bob Newman at Volecentral for this information, his site is a wonderful resource.

  • The Balanced Sonnet is noted as not a sonnet because it doesn't use the octave-sestet sonnet pattern but then technically neither does theShakespearean sonnet. So as long as the poem sings in 14 lines with a pivot or turn somewhere within, I think one could call it a sonnet. This form was created by Barbara Dilworth.

    The Balanced Sonnet is:
rhymed, rhyme scheme ababcbc dedefdf.
  • no placement of pivot prescribed.

My thanks to Judi Van Gorder at Poetry Magnus, another wonderful resource.

Example Poem

Not to Be Relinquished     (Balanced Sonnet)

Since every guy was asking you to dance,
including jocks and handsome wealthy guys,
I never thought that I would stand a chance
to hold you close and gaze into your eyes.
Your image captivates me through the day
and often I may think of you with sighs,
remembering you face and gentle sway.

You are so kind to everyone you meet
that peacefulness is anywhere you stand.
Compelled, I wandered near your vacant seat;
as you approached I just held out my hand
and mumbled "Hi!", before the last note struck;
Your acquiescence made the day complete,
You stayed with me, those guys were out of luck.

© Lawrencealot - November 7, 2013

Visual Template