
Friday, November 23, 2012

Channing's Sonnet

The distinctive feature of the sonnets of 
William Ellery Channing (1818–1901) 
seem merely to be that he uses an octave plus two tercets.
I have found multiple rhyme patterns, here is template showing two.

Rhyme patterns: abbaabba cde cde or abbaacca dee dff

Example poem:

Tell Me of Your Anger in Whispers (Channing Sonnet)

Should you be moved to speak in anger dear 

I ask that first you test your words alone. 
If anger stems from blunder of my own 
You'll want to be assured your meaning's clear. 
Harsh words once thrown will travel like a spear. 
Is it essential now that blame be found; 
will such proceed toward a common ground? 
The thoughts that form those words might disappear. 

So hold those words for later; don't despair 

for now. Wait 'til your anger can abate. 
There's nothing risked delaying words that grate. 

I'll listen to your words- you know I'm fair. 

My love, use whispers closely late tonight. 
I love you, honey; I will make it right. 

Visual Template:

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