
Monday, November 26, 2012

French Sonnet

Historically, the French sonnet appears sometime after the Italian sonnet
 and was likely the inspiration for the English sonnet form.
It uses fourteen lines of Alexandrine meter (iambic hexameter,
six iambs, twelve syllables per line)

Like the Italian and the English it has an octave comprising two quatrains,
but unlike the Italian and like the English it has a sestet of a couplet and a quatrain.
It is possible that the English sonnet was derived from the French not the Italian.

The difference being that the English grouped the Quatrains together
and turned (Volta) with a couplet the last two lines,
but the French turned with the sestet and used the quatrain to close.

The form has exactly the same quatrain as the Petrarch - a.b.b.a...a.b.b.a.
The sestet begins with a couplet - c.c., but like the Italian sestet, we have a choice of quatrains to play with. - d. e. e. d.
or more French, - d. c. c. d.
or more English - d. e. d. e

abba abba ccdeed
abba abba ccdccd
abba abba ccdede

Example Poem:

Tell Me of Your Anger in Whispers (French Sonnet)

Should you be moved at times to speak in anger, dear, 
I only ask that first you test your words alone. 
Because if anger stems from blunders of my own 
I'm sure you'll want to be assured your meaning's clear. 

Remember words once thrown will travel like a spear 
and meanings take on color weighed much by tone. 
So package words with giggles not with growl or groan 
and then the thoughts that form those words might disappear. 
Delay those words, re-think, and then reformulate. 
and later will be your time to pontificate. 

I stumble much to often; you are usually right.
Is it really essential now that blame be found, 
or can our words proceed toward a common ground? 
My dear, use whispers closely to me late at night. 

Visual Template

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