
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Melanesian Sonnet

Octet + Sestet
Generally Iambic Petameter
Volta at or following line 9
Rhyme scheme:  aabaaaba aababb
This is a form invented by Jose Rizal M. Reyes of the Philippines

JOSE wrote another which he intended to name Melanesian Wave which is only
different in presentation being three quatrains and a couplet.  It seems to me that

poets have always had the freedom to present their sonnets as the muse dictated they should.  I am not posting it therefore as a separate sonnet form.

Example Poem:

A Simple Flash!  (Melanesian Sonnet)

She thinks perhaps I dream of her at night
and miss her when she's somewhere out of sight.
She believes that some how I deserve respect
and am her thoughtful brave and charming knight.
She thinks it's fun to hike or fly a kite,
or read a poem and talk by candle light.
She speaks her mind, and shares her thoughts unchecked;
objections are not taken as a sleight.

Her figure's full, her teases do incite;
She thinks her cleavage flashed just might excite
and grins and smiles when I become erect,
my validation proving she was right.
She thinks she can have sex and my respect.
I know my lady surely is correct.

© Lawrencealot - October 30, 2012
This was written a parody of a Dalaney Poem

Visual Template:

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