
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Pope John XXIII Sonnet

2 quatrains + couplet + quatrain
Generally Iambic Pentameter
Would lend itself well to Tetrameter
Volta Optional
2 Quatrains + Couplet+ Quatrain
Rhyme scheme:  aaaa bbbb cc dddd
This is a form invented by Jose Rizal M. Reyes of the Philippines

Example Poem:

Papacy Pleasing Poetry      (Pope John XXIII Sonnet)

Now Jose' chose to honor previous Pope,
by naming sonnet form with which to cope
when writing of some warm religious hope.
Oh, I expect you might expand its scope.

A pro-abortion poem ought not use
this form.  There are so many more to choose.
But satirists we know like to bemuse,
abuse, confuse and thereby, yes amuse.

The mono-rhyme will lend itself to play
with poems that are light and mainly gay.

Now since the Pope spread happiness and light,
this form can help you do so when you write.
Composed in tetrameter you just might
Deliver verse written to recite.

(c) Lawrencealot - October 31, 2012

Visual Template:

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