
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Rondel Prime Sonnet

French Sonnet or Rondel Prime is simply a Rondel with an second refrain added to the end of the poem. This verse form unlike most sonnets is usually syllabic. The sonnet was introduced to France in the 16th century by Clemont Marot (?-1544).

The defining features of the Rondel Prime or French Sonnet are:
• a quatorzain, an octave made up of 2 quatrains followed by a sestet.
• isosyllabic, the classic French sonnet is written in Alexandrine lines but this sonnet form can also be found in 8 syllable lines or the lines can be an number of syllables as long as the measure is consistent throughout the poem. In English it is found written in iambic pentameter or Alexandrine lines.
• rhymed ABba abAB abbaAB, A and B being refrains.
• composed with 2 refrains. L1 is repeated in L7 and L13, L2 is repeated in L8 and L14.
• composed with a pivot or turn somewhere after L8.

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Example Poem:

Reflecting             (Rondel Prime Sonnet)

When desolation grabs your heart and forces tears
Let nature speak, reminding you not all is known.
When you, so young were taken to the funeral biers
my faith was shattered; all beliefs and hopes were thrown

away.  I felt no comfort thinking heaven's spheres
could somehow recompense for earthly love we'd grown.
When desolation grabs your heart and forces tears
Let nature speak reminding you not all is known.

I went to our lagoon, our waterfall appears
today to look like you, and hope renewed is sown
into my soul.  We lived and loved! This thought coheres.
That truly shines. Remember we are just on loan.
When desolation grabs your heart and forces tears
Let nature speak reminding you not all is known.

© Lawrencealot - November 14, 2012

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