
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sicilian Sonnet


octave + sestet
* volta (pivot) in line 9
* written in iambic pentameter
* rhyme scheme abababab cdccdc  or abababab cdecde

Example Poem:

Tell Me of Your Anger in Whispers       (Sicilian Sonnet)

Should you be moved to speak in anger dear,
I ask that first you test your words alone.
If I have blundered then I will want to hear
but will not gain from harshness in your tone.
Such words once thrown will travel like a spear
We've both before said words we can't disown.
You'll want to make sure that your meaning's clear;
an err unsaid leaves nothing to atone.

So hold those words for later; don't despair,
there's nothing risked delaying words that grate.
My love, use whispers closely late tonight.
I'll listen to your words- you know I'm fair.
So love, allow your anger to abate.
I love you dearly; I will make it right.

© Lawrencealot - June 21, 2013

Visual Template:

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