
Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Everysonnet is a site created to fill a need in the poet community. 
It lists at one internet address Every major sonnet form known* to exist in the English speaking world, along with example poems, and in many cases, helpful visual templates.  *Known to me, and known to be named.

It exists as a blog which differs from a ‘regular’ web site and takes some getting used to – I am still in the process of learning.  I’ll list here the things you most need to know to use this site.
1. It automatically puts the last post as the first thing you see, so I will always try to make this info, the last posted.
2. Perhaps the most useful tool for most is the list of all  Sonnet Forms.  Get there by clicking on the “Sonnet Forms” tab,
which is to the right of the “Home” tab.

Lazy Day Sonnet

This sonnet form was created by Rebecca Kerr, aka Rebecca-K on
It's defining characteristic is the
Rhyme pattern:  aabbccdddeeeff
It should be written in iambic pentameter with volta at line 7 or later.

 Example Poem

Listen Up     (Lazy Day Sonnet)

The bishop postulates his weekly view.
If I attend I listen weakly too.
"Begetting best begins when one is wed,
so wait 'til then to take him to your bed."
The teachers when they must presume to speak,
and parents too, set forth the same critique.
I hear the words yet see our public men
succumb to power's perks now and again,
to bed a beau- yes, even priests. Amen!
Thus seems they set for us a stale canard
the powerful assume they can discard,
Rebutting or ignoring is not hard.

Their dogma need not now define my role.
It seems that pregnant chicks go on the dole!

© Lawrencealot - April 22, 2014

Visual Template

Friday, April 4, 2014

Sonnet Anapest

Sonnet Anapest is a sonnet form created by Lawrence Eberhart, aka Lawrencealot on AP.  It will be listed here as a  gadget sonnet as it lies outside the parameters of the standard sonnet

It is a quatorzain written the rhyme pattern of an English Sonnet.
The defining character is that lines alternate between anapestic tetrameter and anapestic trimeter with feminine rhyme.

Example Poem

Puddles       (Sonnet Anapest)

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain." ~Vivian Greene

When the rainstorm brought puddles and pools to our street
and most huddled in side, warm and wary,
the prospect of some splashing invited my feet
and so nothing about it was scary.

I was bundled in rain gear, galoshes and hat
and was thrilled with the wetness and splashing
and the water went flying when my boots went splat!
Then the lightning and thunder came crashing.

When my mom called me in I complied, you can bet
(in a hurry) for fright was controlling.
But my mommy had cookies and cocoa all set
so the rainy day's joys kept on rolling.

I was trained to be happy and happy I've stayed.
Just arrange the board pieces the fates have displayed.

© Lawrencalot - April 4, 2014

Visual Template

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Sonnet Reversii

This sonnet form was invented by  Visalakshi , aka  Vive la V on Allpoetry
Here are her own requirements:

(1) Stanzaic : quatorzain, or octave and sestet.
(2) 10 syllables, except in the final couplet, which could vary: 10 or 11, but both L13 and L14 should be the same syllable length
(3) It is lexical where the last word of the first stanza becomes the first/ or beginning of the first word of the second stanza. This pattern continues to the end.
(4) The sonnet ends with the same word with which it begins, yes it is a requirement.
(5) Must rhyme. Rhyme pattern abab cdcd efef g’g (or gg) (near rhymes or exact rhymes)
(6) Volta in L9 or L 13

(7) For this form there is no metric requirement. It is optional.

Here is my example

We have What's Needed     (Sonnet Reversii)

Within us all is something from without. 
Without a doubt there's much I can adduce, 
adduce some things for you to think about. 
About our doubts we have a real excuse. 
Excuse me when I claim man's not correct, 
correct in thinking gods must be required. 
Requiring dogma leaves a disconnect- 
a substitute for answers much desired. 

Desiring knowledge is, and must remain -
remain a trait to which we must attend. 
Attend to learning; try not to complain. 
Complaining sigh won't help us to contend- 
contend with knowing, "How'd it all begin". 
Begin assured, we've all we need within. 

© Lawrencealot - April 1, 2014

Visual Template